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#982 Richard Thackrah The City of Leeds

Photo of Richard Thackrah

Richard Thackrah

My interpretation of the history of Leeds based on thousands of visits over about seventy years.

Leeds seems to succeed in most city routines and activities and its citizens agree on policies and tend to achieve good results.

Leeds’ expertise and ideals often created in world renowned centres for education in the city and district often supersede those of many other British cities.

Machines for all sorts of activities in the city have been sold to countries around the world thanks to Leodiensians from many different backgrounds who have rolled up their sleeves.

Leodiensians working in teams have done deals that many believe can only happen in dreams and with proceeds of sales can gain the keys to huge mansions and very expensive automobiles.

Appointees and nominees have helped the city by redeploying workers, conceiving new ideals in conference presentations and ultimately deceiving few but rewarding many.

Leeds citizens rarely disappoint and talk easily with peoples from many different backgrounds whether friends or fiends. They like to intercede, heed advice and yearn to please.

Cuisine that appeals to many citizens from around the UK and the world Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Africans and Americans are eaten in the numerous cafes and restaurants.

Many sports are played with passion and although results can be mixed, squeals of delight easily outdo screams of fear and doubt.

Good Yorkshire deeds are welcomed and when people’s dreams recede those of Leeds live on!