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#947 Penny Vine A Tribute to Families with Disabilities

Penny Vine

So three years ago, April 20 is the anniversary, I got up and I remember, about the week before the stroke happened, saying to Bob, if I continue working as I am doing, something is going to stop me.

After about an hour of being on a zoom call I felt sensations, it was like pins and needles in my arm. I had no idea what was happening, but I knew it was something strange.

So I came off the call, tried to stand up and fell. I knew I needed to ring somebody but where was the phone? I looked up and this is where some kind of miracle happened. A teeny little bit of the phone was overhanging the table. So I kept reaching and reaching. And the next lucky thing was it opened on recent calls and so I touched Bob's number. He was in Roundhay park, cycling. I said, I think I’ve had a stroke. I stayed remarkably calm. I could not do anything so I literally lay there until he came. I don’t remember him coming in or the whole ambulance bit. And that just turned my life upside down. Truly literally, both ours upside down.

I had to pay for physiotherapy. I had some savings but it’s taken a lot of that. My heart goes out to disabled people and people caring for younger disabled people. My key message is bloody hell hats off to people with disabled kids because life is tough. Because financially it’s a stretch.

My life it’s changed, but in good ways as well. I have more time now with Bob and the kids, family .There is a lot of regret thinking why did it take that for that to happen Why ..?