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#912 Anonymous Volunteering and Sharing Authentic Mexican Recipe for Guacamole



I retired two years ago. Since 2017, I have enjoyed volunteering at Conversation Club Leeds where asylum seekers and refugees come along every week. l run craft sessions for those who want to join in. My sessions have proved very popular because, in my opinion, they are a distraction from the normal daily routine. At the same time as working with their hands, people relax, chat & have fun!

I really enjoy seeing people having fun and sharing their skills. It gives me a real sense of joy to see smiling faces when they finish their craft and look satisfied with themselves because they have created something beautiful and complete. Masks, baskets, boxes and collages are just some of the items we have produced together.

Recently, I have also given a cookery demonstration sharing a traditional Mexican recipe for guacamole. Each participant had their own avocado to turn into a delicious serving of guacamole!

Would you like to make absolutely authentic, mum-recipe guacamole, guided by someone born in that faraway land who of course learned from her own mother how to make guacamole?

Here we go! You'll need only four, yes four, ingredients - remember it’s authentic and other ingredients (as in lemon, lime, garlic, oil, etc.) will change the avocado’s flavours.

Ingredients (all very, very, very finely chopped):

  • Avocado(s)

  • Onion(s)

  • Coriander

  • Chilies – green, as the dish is all green, but chilies can be as hot as you wish

Salt to taste.

In a bowl, mash everything together and it’s ready.

Unbelievable. Delicious.

Buen provecho!

Volunteering and Sharing Authentic Mexican Recipe for Guacamole - Anonymous


A retired individual has found joy in volunteering at Conversation Club Leeds, where they run craft sessions for asylum seekers and refugees. Recently, they shared their traditional Mexican recipe for guacamole during a cookery demonstration. The recipe requires only four ingredients - avocado, onion, coriander, and green chilies - all very finely chopped and mashed together. The recipe is authentic and passed down from the individual's mother. The joy of seeing people have fun, sharing their skills, and enjoying the finished product brings a sense of fulfillment to the retiree.