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#878 Delma My Hero Father


Well! Me and my mum lived with Nana and Grandad. Dad was in the Army in Aiden and then on a hospital ship. The ship was bombed and he saved a lot of people in the water. He was a good swimmer and he got a lot of medals for his bravery. Dad went back to the ship working and when he came home on leave, I always wanted to go back with him. I would leave my suitcase next to him in the hall. He used to dance and sing at the local Town Hall dances and he also liked to entertain the troops on the hospital ship. Eventually, mum managed to get her own home and we got one opposite my Nana so we could be nearby if she needed any help. When I was young, I wanted to marry my dad but mum said I couldn’t because he was already married! He was an amazing man and I loved him dearly.