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#752 Anonymous A new start in my twilight years


After sixty five years, just a few tears

To say goodbye to Kent

Found I was usually alone with dear husband gone

And friends passed or moved on

In 2020 my children up north said

“Mum why don’t you come, its really great oop ere?”

But kept quiet about the cloud and the drizzle!

So into a van goes my garden and home

And up the M1 we drove to my new Alwoodley abode

The welcome was warm and the bungalow a nice sight

The lady next door greeted me with a friendly “eh up, you look alright”

Just warned me about the ginnels - a new word for me

And to drop the word dinner and say tea!

I planned a new garden with waterfall and rocks

And took pleasure from the watching the many red kites

Then off to the Co-op, so friendly and well stocked.

Such a good place to stop to chat and put the world to rights.

Top of the draw are the Yorkshire Dales

With their beauty and peace

The pubs, the limestone, sheep and haybales

And not too far for a trip to the coast in the east.

I reflect on my old life and which I like best

My northern explore has given me much to enjoy

Leeds is my home now

And here I shall rest.


Life is just a few tears, some scenery and choices.