To the golden years when you were in your prime.
Mum, you’re incoherent
You sleep an awful lot
You twitch and jerk when you’re asleep
You’re not sure where you’re at
Let’s wheel, wheel, wheel you back in time
To the golden years when you were in your prime
Mum, we’ve brought in carers
You can’t go out alone
You cannot even write your name
We’ve still a way to go
Let’s shuffle, shuffle, shuffle back in time
To the golden years when you were in your prime
Mum you like to watch TV
But can’t follow the plot
You struggled on our Scottish break
We’ve not reached that place yet
Let’s hobble, hobble, hobble back in time
To the golden years when you were in your prime
Mum, we’re playing dominoes
But Scrabble you can’t hack
Snakes and ladders even is too much
We must travel further back
Let’s totter, totter, totter back in time
To those golden years when you were in your prime
Mum. you are repeating
The same words again and again
We need to go still further back
To find your intact brain
Let’s saunter, saunter, saunter back in time
To those golden years when you were in your prime
Mum you’re always losing
Your glasses, bag or purse
Frustrated, you keep saying
“My memory’s getting worse.”
Let’s amble, amble, amble back in time
To those golden years when you were in your prime
Mum, I think we’re almost there
You’re beating me at Scrabble
You’re nagging me with your advice
And you’re reading Margaret Drabble
Let’s race, race, race to embrace this time
These golden years, when you are in your prime