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#705 Annie Coping with Ageing and Changes

Photo of Annie


What matters to me now is coping and getting by. I was poorly last year and it gets harder to recover- you don’t have the same resistance when you’re older. I did try using a walking stick because I worry about falling but I’ve let go of the walking stick for now.

I used to go to a Seniors group at Leeds Playhouse but then Covid came and I stopped and I had some health problems. So did the friend I used to go with so I never went back. I also went to the writers group that met in the Playhouse cafe. But that fell apart. The Playhouse has changed now and I find it overwhelming. I don't know my way around. I used to feel at home in the old Playhouse.

I am interested in being part of groups but they need to be really local so that I can get to them easily.

I am part of an Irish poetry group and I like to write poems. I do struggle a bit with tech, I don’t have any Wi-Fi in my house. I have a laptop in Ireland where I go often, and there's wi fi there. I use an old phone and have a very old computer which I use a bit like a typewriter