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#667 Helen Garrand From Caterpillar to Butterfly

Photo of Helen Garrand
We met on a Thursday evening for for an hour or so and we basically supported each other through the lockdown.

Helen Garrand

In the beginning of the first lockdown, I joined a zoom call, which was organised by Simply Deez Events, which is an organisation based in Bedfordshire, but was open to anybody anywhere in the whole country. So we have people from Milton Keynes, Leeds, Birmingham. We met on a Thursday evening for for an hour or so and we basically supported each other through the lockdown. It was the only human contact that I actually had.

And then, about nine weeks in, we decided that what we were discussing and what was happening was history. So we decided to write a book and we were all asked to contribute a chapter. I called my chapter “From Caterpillar to Butterfly”, because my stance on the lockdown was that before the lockdown, we were a mundane caterpillar, we took everything for granted, you know, we went to work, we did this, we did that, we just didn't think about anything! And then through the lockdown, we were sent into total disarray, with changes that we couldn't control. We just have to get on with it, and deal with it the best we could. So what I envisaged was us going into our cocoon as the caterpillar and then our emergence as beautiful butterflies.


Helen discovered a wonderful transformation during lockdown