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#671 Barbara Palfreyman Marriage

Photo of Barbara Palfreyman
We were married 68 years

Barbara Palfreyman

The story I want to share is my life with John. We were married 68 years. We met at the Mill. John was doing the wages and I was a mender. I did the job for seven years and then I left to have my family. I brought 5 children up and had various part time jobs but I was always home before the children got back from school.

I bought myself a second hand car with the money so I could move around more easily. John would say I’m happy to take you wherever you want to go, but I wanted my little bit of independence. As long as I was home to feed him he was happy. He loved his food did John. He was a big fine man - if you talk to anybody at Heydays they’ll know him as that.

Marriage - Barbara Palfreyman