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#422 Diana Al-Saadi Life’s for living after all

Promises of warmer, longer days surely will keep spirits and hopes high.

Diana Al-Saadi

We’re emerging perhaps from the worst storm in seven years, Storm Ciara! A trip organised by the local library gardening group had to be cancelled – a guess a small matter in the midst of chaos: Trees downed, roads and farms and dwellings flooded and damage unknown. Local news updated on even more disasters. The feeling was ‘We’re all in it together’ so comfort drawn in numbers but not if you were one of the many without heating, food and a dry bed.

I’m looking forward to the daffodils and crocuses joining the snowdrops that are still cheering us along. Surely the climate is changing. My dad used to present my mum with daffodils on their wedding anniversary, 21st March. Promises of warmer, longer days surely will keep spirits and hopes high. Plans for that longed-for vacation might just keep minds active and hopes optimistic.

Life’s for living after all.