Margaret Stead
Sometimes, I was looking after old people on a night that don't always want to go to sleep. And I really got into trouble with my colleagues, because instead of complaining that they were crying and they needed attention and an injection, I gave them a cup of tea.
It’s all they wanted – a cup of tea! They didn’t want an injection to put them to sleep, they just wanted a little bit of comfort. And they used to say “Oh, she's been on that ward again. You're giving them all jam and bread, and cups of tea!”
One day one of the male patients ran off. There’s a gate at the other end - there’s the roundabout, but when you go to the other end, there’s a gate at the other end as well. And he escaped and somebody says “Somebody better run after him!”
Well you know those open-ended gowns that fasten at the back, he was running down Beckett Street with nothing else on! I ran after him. They had a porter in the little office at the side of the gate, and he just let him run through - he never even thought about chasing him! I got hold of him, wrapped his gown around him and brought him back!