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#600 Robert Millson Turned Broken Slates into Art

Photo of Robert Millson
I just let it happen.

Robert Millson

We used to do roof repairs all around Leeds, I were a roofer and the old slates used to get thrown in skip. And I saw one and it was a different colour to all the others and I thought “I like that one.” So I took it home and painted it. This was before I retired. And afterwards I started saving all the broken slates and I started painting them. I don’t know where the painting came from. I started off doing random abstract art - but my wife could see St George and The Dragon in it - I couldn’t see it. Then I started writing things on them and then using the shape of the tiles to make landscapes. I make most of the images up and I don’t know what I’m going to do before I start, I just let it happen.