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#631 John Marshall The Yorkshire Ripper

John Marshall

I was a sergeant at Chapeltown whilst the Yorkshire Ripper was at large - and because practically everybody in the world knew about the Yorkshire Ripper, we used to get film crews coming from all over the world to look at Chapeltown and look at the area.

We’d just had a new wireless room installed at Chapeltown when the crew came from Japan - little guys with big cameras and what have you. And we're showing them around the police station, and the pride and joy was the new wireless room. So we took them into the wireless room and we'd forgotten there was a gallon teapot on top of the radio. And that picture, that gallon teapot, went all over the world and to Japan. We felt most embarrassed!


A police sergeant in Chapeltown during the Yorkshire Ripper manhunt who recalls an embarrassing moment