There was great excitement when the threshing machine came.
Ann Carter
We had the working horses, Mollie, Diamond and Smart. They pulled carts laden with sheaves of corn, straw or manure from the animal sheds. We loved rides in the carts back from the fields, however smelly they were from the manure. Sometimes they pulled a plough or rake but mostly this was done by the tractor. When harvest was collected, the sheaves of corn made into stacks, the thatcher came to thatch the stacks to keep out the rain.
There was great excitement when the threshing machine came. The smell of the steam engine, the smell of the corn and chaff coming out of the drum and the straw going up the jack. We would stand at the back of the drum watching the corn pour into the sacks. Tension started mounting when the corn stack was coming near to the bottom. It would be surrounded with some wire netting and we would be armed with sticks to try and beat the rats that ran out. The sacks of corn weighed a coomb and potatoes one hundred weight, far larger than any of the weights today.