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#529 Ann Stephenson Yorkshire Pork Pie

Photo of Ann Stephenson
It wasn’t me at all. Nobody walked anywhere, and the whole area was made for cars not for people.

Ann Stephenson

I moved to Leeds in 2021 after many years in London. While I was waiting to complete my house purchase I rented on a modern estate for a couple of months. It wasn’t me at all. Nobody walked anywhere, and the whole area was made for cars not for people. I would walk 20 minutes through a business park (horrible term) to a retail park (another horrible term) to do my shopping, not passing anyone else on foot. The office buildings were hidden behind hedges and I was trudging along one November morning grumbling to myself that the place had no soul. It could be anywhere in the world, and humans counted for nothing. What had the planners been thinking. Then I heard ice cream van chimes. It was the middle of the week, the middle of the morning in term time with no school anywhere nearby. I decided to follow the noise, found a break in the hedge, and discovered it was not an ice cream van. It was a mobile pork pie shop, selling hot pork pies to the office workers. Of course I tried one, and excellent it was too. More importantly, Yorkshire had asserted its personality. The workers will not be denied their pork pies. After that I often heard the sound of the pork pie van in the distance and every time it made me smile.


Ann feels the place she is living is souless until she enjoys a local pork pie