I left work and met my son, who was getting a lift to Adel after my accordion lesson in Roundhay. When I left my lesson at about 5.30, it had started to snow.
Ian Bowie
My story relates to the blizzard of 25th January 1995.
I left work and met my son, who was getting a lift to Adel after my accordion lesson in Roundhay. When I left my lesson at about 5.30, it had started to snow. You will appreciate, this was the ‘rush hour’ in Leeds. We proceeded to Otley Road, with the snow getting heavier and settling. At around 6.30, we were in very slow traffic on Otley Road. The Mercs and BMWs didn’t have enough traction to move. The only way you knew they were trying was because the rear wheels were spinning – the car didn’t move. Thank goodness for our front wheel drive Ford Focus.
At around 8.30, we reached the West Park roundabout where my son jumped out to walk – it wasn’t far. The news on the radio was that Leeds was gridlocked due to the snow. I had to get home to Clifford (near Wetherby), along country roads.
After crawling around the Ring Road, and reaching the Roundhay junction at around 10.00, I decided the safest approach would be to return to my office in New York Road. I reached the office around 10.30 and phoned home (no mobiles in those days!!). My wife was worried and surprised, as there had been no mention of the traffic chaos on the news.
The gritters had been unable to get out in time due to the rush hour traffic and heavy snow fall. I worked in the Gas tower block at New York Road, and spent the night there. I managed to find some extra clothing for warmth, and was surprised how noisy the computers were. Not the best night’s sleep. Apparently a lot of people were put up in the Leeds Playhouse opposite, where Prunella Scales led a sing-along.
Some people abandoned their cars and walked home, but it was too far for me and I think I did the right thing. I could easily have been stuck on the way home to Clifford.