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#660 Joan Fordham You must know my sister?

Photo of Joan Fordham
Oh” she said “you don’t understand Joan, it’s like a city, there's so many people living there, it's a bit like saying if you come from Rotherham you must know my sister.”

Joan Fordham

My sister lived in huge flats in Hunslet. Eventually they were pulled down. All down to my sister.

I used to work in an infants school and we had a new girl and when we asked where she lived she said she came from these flats in Hunslet.

And I said

“You must know my sister”

“Oh” she said “you don’t understand Joan, it’s like a city, there's so many people living there, it's a bit like saying if you come from Rotherham you must know my sister.”

But I said, “if you come from those flats you will know my sister.

Suddenly her eyes widened in horror and she said,

“It’s not Miss…………, is it?”

And indeed it was.


A new teacher talks about where she lives and Joan asks her if she knows her sister…