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#503 David Webster Remembering Doreen

I found it very difficult to move on from there, but with my friends and pals I’ve been able to get through it.

David Webster

I'm David Webster, I’m 67 and I’m now widowed.

I got married during the eclipse, in fact we were the first couple to marry on the day of the eclipse. That were lovely, that were really nice.

I met my wife Doreen at Park Lane College. I was studying there, but I was working there as well. We got talking and then we got together and then things happened from there.

But sadly we lost her last year, August last year. She had Covid, which turned into sepsis, so we couldn’t see her properly.

I miss her dearly. It’s been tough. I found it very difficult to move on from there, but with my friends and pals I’ve been able to get through it. And Karen, my step-daughter, she’s great – she’s an angel.

I always think back to all the nice places we went to, and our first holiday in Scarborough, at The Royal, and how nice it was.
