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#171 Colin Thank you for teaching me

Photo of Colin
Thank you for teaching me. You have been my best friend.


I taught in primary and middle schools in Leeds for well over thirty years and collected dozens of letters, notes and messages that were received from children, colleagues and, of course, parents.

Usually, the notes were well-meant:
‘Please excuse Debbie from school because we are going to London to see the Queen.’

Sometimes, amusing: ‘Dear Mr. Trenholme. I give permission for my son to attend the party after school. Sorry he’s late back; he’s just done the ironing’.

Occasionally, rather baffling: ‘I am sorry Christopher hasn’t learnt his words but I had to take them all to the dentist’

The ex-pupil who recently got in touch to tell me:
‘I’m married for the second time, one son from my first marriage and three stepsons with this wife. I’m also lead singer in a covers band – and have become a grandad.’

I’m beginning to wonder how old I am…but finally, I can’t resist this one: ‘Thank you for teaching me. You have been my best friend.


Stories collected during 2021, A View From Here and The Promise of a Garden. Photos by Sameer Paudel, Ed Sunman, Ben Pugh, Zoe Martin, Linyuan Sheng and Mike Pinches.