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#475 Michael Best From the Moon to Leeds Playhouse

Photo of Michael Best
They’d finished the Apollos and they toured with the rocket that had actually gone to the moon, and you could go see it.

Michael Best

When I was at Broad Lane School, many years ago, it were about 1972 - I think the Playhouse had just been built.  

They’d finished the Apollos and they toured with the rocket that had actually gone to the moon, and you could go see it.

They must have had quite a lot of room in that Playhouse, ‘cause they put it in there.

The class that I was in, my school teacher Mr Shaw applied for some tickets.  He said how many his class had – about 30, 32, something like that.  So they said you can’t have that amount of tickets, you can only have so many.

So he wrote us names down on some paper, screwed it up and put it in a bag, and then who got picked out would go.  I’m assuming there might have been about 20 people who were allowed to go, so some of them couldn’t go.  And I got picked out – I could go.

So we went to see the Apollo rocket that had gone out to the moon, and I’m sure it was at the Playhouse.


Memories of the Apollo rocket coming to Leeds