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#681 Kathleen Howland Learning to dance again

I had three children and I’ve lost all three of them.

Kathleen Howland

My main story is that I had three children and I’ve lost all three of them.

My daughter died about eighteen months ago because she had Lupus for a long time and it eventually caught up with her. She had heart failure, kidney failure. I'm still grieving.

About six years ago my youngest daughter died. She had a massive bleed on the brain. And then six months after her me son was on drugs and he had an overdose and we found him dead on his sofa at home.

So I’ve had a difficult time the last few years. My husband, we’d been married forty years, I’d been married before and I had three children when I met him and he brought my three up. My eldest daughter was born deaf and she had mental health problems. So we ended up having to bring up two of her daughters. I’m still close to them, they’re like me own daughters.

After my daughter died me and my husband decided to go to Torquay for a few days to take our minds off it. And then I met Shirley and Trudie ( Belle Isle Senior

Action) and they talked about losing their husbands and I talked about my daughter and at the end of the few days there I was dancing with them. I asked Shirley to look into finding a group nearer to me and she did but couldn’t find anything, so Shirley suggested I start coming to Belle Isle. I got up at 3.30 this morning to make scones to bring.