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#449 Nicola Television production


It was my job that brought me to Yorkshire. I worked in television production, organising the recording or filming of programmes. There was great variety in my job because it could be anything from news to sport to documentaries to musical entertainment to drama, both contemporary and period.

Imagine you have to arrange for some period drama filming to take place in a venue some distance from your studio base. What would be the things to remember?

* All the actors and staff will need to be assigned to the production.

* If there are any children involved, there are special rules to organise, including chaperones.

* There needs to be liaison with the owners of the venue as they will need to be prepared for the “invasion”.

* Transport = not just for all the people involved but for additional pieces of set, props, hanging rails and costumes, make up mirrors and equipment, lights, cameras, sound equipment and all the wires and ropes that go with them. So that'll include cars for the actors and big trucks for the major equipment. And where are you going to park all this when you get there?

* Catering - usually one would arrange a specialist catering company to come out with their mobile van. You'll need to arrange when the breaks are and what food and drink is on offer, and where people will sit while they eat.

* An added complication is if you are filming abroad. Passports and visas are needed for all the personnel and carnets for all the luggage and equipment. Then airline or ferry bookings and transits. You will probably need an on-site interpreter.

* For a period production, the filming area needs to be assessed for giveaway items, e.g. road markings, signposts, pylons and then there's modern noises, like cars and aeroplanes.

* Delays, bad weather and sickness cover. You need a plan B for everything.

* Have you achieved all this within your budget?

I had a marvellous career within the industry and was lucky to travel around country and abroad. I've been long retired, but I still find I run my diary and activities in the same way I would have tackled a TV programme. There's usually a “Call Sheet" involved.


My name is Nicola. I moved to Leeds when I was 30 in 1976 and married there in 1984.