Now in 1985, when I had just arrived, everything was so cheap. We could get so many things for a pound.
Prafulla Patel
I came here from India in 1985. I was 17 at the time. Eventually I got married. Thereafter, I used to live in a joint family. Then we bought a shop after 2 years. I have two daughters. One is 32 and the other is 26. They both have completed their studies and stuff. We ran the shop for 34 years and retired last year.
One of my daughters is a HR Manager. The elder one, that is. She’s in London. The younger one is a doctor. They’re visiting Portugal to spend their honeymoon. After my husband and I retired, I came here to join the group. We serve in the temple and live happily.
Initially we lived in Pontefract. Then in Leeds. And now we’ve been in Leeds ever since. We’ve moved to different houses 2-3 times. We had just one shop on East End Park Road. We ran that shop for 34 years.
We visit the temple 2-3 times. Twice as part of the group. We volunteer at the temple whenever there’s a programme or things like that.
I like Leeds very much. On the other hand, I wasn’t very fond of Pontefract. At the time, I was new to the country, so that was one reason why I didn’t like it there. Firstly, I couldn’t speak the language well, and secondly, everything was different here. And to top it all, I had arrived when it was winter, and it used to snow a lot.
Now in 1985, when I had just arrived, everything was so cheap. We could get so many things for a pound. Today, you’d get nothing for a pound. At the time, 10 pounds was a sizeable sum. Really big value for 10 pounds. Now it’s nothing.
Value of money has changed, yeah.