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#342 Edna Murray Angel

Which was wonderful really because he could stay in this country without having to worry about being deported.

Edna Murray

PAFRAS - Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Leeds runs a drop in for people to come to on a Wednesday morning. People would come in, they would be welcomed, they would be given a little number and then they would go to the screening desk when their numbers was called. I acted as a screener for them for a few years, directing them to people that could help. I had people at my screen in dire circumstances coming for food and to get help, really, support, food parcels or medical care, and have caseworkers to help them with their asylum claims.

On one occasion I had a young man who we'd known was sleeping rough come to my screen. He sat down at the desk. There was a strong smell of petrol. He’d had got to the end of his tether and was going to kill himself. So we talked him through and gave him something to eat and drink because he was very pale, well he was desperate really and we managed to get the crisis team involved.

Fortunately, he was eventually given leave to remain and I remember he sent me a lovely card that Christmas to “his angel”, which was wonderful really because he could stay in this country without having to worry about being deported.