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#302 Patsy Shane

Joyce was a show off and would love showing all her gold, sovereign earring, chains and the rest.


When I was a child, I would go across to Uncle George and Aunty Joyce’s house and me and their son Shane would play outside.

Joyce was a show off and would love showing all her gold, sovereign earring, chains and the rest. George was a money earner and a con man.

I would listen to family arguments and soon realised that Shane had been adopted and that Joyce and George couldn’t have children.

George had a brother called Albert, married to a lady called Millie who already had a daughter called Deana. When Deana got pregnant at a very young age and had to have the baby adopted, she knew that George and Joyce would have him. Deana never saw Shane again.

Years later after George and Joyce had died. Deana asked me to take her to Shane. I wrote down the address and told her to write him a letter. I heard she didn't get a reply.

Shane had everything, his life was great until Deana came back.

A friend of Shane's said he had cried to her wondering who his father was and she asked did I know?

I said if he meets up with his mother, once he’s ready, she would be the one to tell him. The friend told me that Shane believes that incest had taken place. Which could only mean one thing.

I had gone to the Town Hall to get Shane’s adoption papers and it said father unknown.