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#284 Sue What's the Difference Between a Pig and an Elephant?

Although we have lost loved ones, I believe we carry their love with us and honour them by cherishing the things they loved (including tattoos!)


What's the difference between a pig and an elephant? Not a lot according to Dave, the daft bugger.

Dave is no longer with us as he sadly passed last year after such a brave battle with cancer, but is still with us in spirit and our hearts. (And I believe he still watches over us).

He was a bad boy at times in his youth. He fell out with some of his neighbours and in the night went and painted their downstairs windows black. They had a tough time trying to scrape it off. I always think of him when hearing the Rolling Stones 'Painted Black.'

Back to the elephant. He collected special fifty pence pieces and wanted Kathryn, his daughter, to have these. He told her to look for a pig in his flat. He was adamant they were in a piggy bank. She was looking for this whilst on the phone to him in hospital. “I've looked and looked and can't see a pig, but there is an elephant?” His response, pig/elephant what's the difference?

Elephants are pregnant for 22 months Both Kathryn and her dad were born on the 22nd of the month. On his birthday in September this year, Kathryn got her first beautiful small tattoo of an elephant on her wrist in memory of her dad Her friend told her that it was national elephant appreciation day that day too.

Dave had a heart of gold, doing so much for his neighbours, Community and charities. He loved gardening and supported Beeston in Bloom and gave his neighbours hanging baskets of flowers to display outside their houses. (In his memory we also plan to both get a tattoo of a small pink rose).

Although we have lost loved ones, I believe we carry their love with us and honour them by cherishing the things they loved (including tattoos!) and planned to do such as playing the guitar, creating a garden, supporting charities, volunteering and helping others.

When the going gets tough Kathryn recalls her dads advice, "Don't let it beat you, you beat it", and she does. My daughter makes him really proud every day, and me too


The beauty of being in a company of older performers is the kaleidoscopic range of real-life experiences that they bring to the table. These experiences cover everything from the vivid and strange world of childhood, to the unexpected late awakenings of old age. Take our newest batch of anecdotes, for example. These new stories are delightfully diverse: from the earthly, sensual joy of baking bread, to the cosmic dreams of outer space; from an unnerving encounter with a poltergeist, to the risqué glories of adult pleasure products and burlesque. Running as a rich theme throughout, is the possibility of love, and the simple wonder of human connection. As one writer tells us, in her story of funeral rites and flirting, “Amidst death, life goes on”, and indeed it does, delightfully so.