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#187 Doreen My Friendship with Christine

Photo of Doreen
We always stick together.


It started one day at the Day Centre. I was with another friend. We’d just been on holiday together to a sort of nursing home and I was upset. My friend needed to go to bed early every evening and I’d be left alone by the staff, there was no social life. Every evening alone. And Christine said how about you come with me next time? So we went to Blackpool! We stayed in the Bond Hotel. It was celebrity week and we meet an actress from Emmerdale or Coronation Street. There was music, dancing, events, every night. Christine entered a fancy dress and won another holiday!

I’d help Christine with her shopping picking things up her. We got back to the hotel one day and Christine said I didn’t buy all these cokes. Christine called it shoplifting, but it was by accident. We always stick together. When she’s down I lift her up and when I’m down she lifts me up. When I don’t see her I get upset, worrying that something’s happened.


The beauty of being in a company of older performers is the kaleidoscopic range of real-life experiences that they bring to the table. These experiences cover everything from the vivid and strange world of childhood, to the unexpected late awakenings of old age. Take our newest batch of anecdotes, for example. These new stories are delightfully diverse: from the earthly, sensual joy of baking bread, to the cosmic dreams of outer space; from an unnerving encounter with a poltergeist, to the risqué glories of adult pleasure products and burlesque. Running as a rich theme throughout, is the possibility of love, and the simple wonder of human connection. As one writer tells us, in her story of funeral rites and flirting, “Amidst death, life goes on”, and indeed it does, delightfully so.

Edited by Barney Bardsley