People don't know what they're doing when they block the pavements like that.
One time, on the road that I live on, I nearly got run over.
So one of the things that's important to me is if we could get it so that people can't park their cars on pavements, because this is bad for so many people. It’s bad for people with pushchairs, people walking the dogs, and people like me on mobility scooters. You have to go out into the road put your life at risk. And what happens is you report it to highways and they say report it to the police, and you report it to the police and they say report it to highways, and years and years go by without any action being taken, and I've tried everything. You just get knocked back.
So this one time, I was trying to cross and I couldn’t get up the curb because of the parked cars, and a car came speeding round the corner- that was nearly me done for. I was really lucky because a man saw what was happening and stepped into the road and he stopped the car. Then 4 guys lifted me up onto the pavement and got me round the parked cars. People don't know what they're doing when they block the pavements like that.