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#175 Sonja I felt sublime when something clicked

Photo of Sonja
For several hours I sat with pencils, sketch book, learning from a girl


I don’t frown upon that time.

In fact, I kind of spread my wings,

doing many things I’d never tried.

One day I drew a lady in a hat.

For several hours I sat with pencils,

sketch book, learning from a girl

Whose own work unfurled, creating magic!

Without her I was lost.

And this cost me nothing but my time.

Each day in lockdown,

home alone,

I felt sublime when something clicked

Through being transfixed

on learning something new.

One day I drew a lady in a hat.


Stories collected during 2021, A View From Here and The Promise of a Garden. Photos by Sameer Paudel, Ed Sunman, Ben Pugh, Zoe Martin, Linyuan Sheng and Mike Pinches.