And at the end when they’d said war is now declared I burst into tears. Thinking what’s going to happen? What’s going to happen?
Sheila Goodall
When war started we were sitting round the radio on the Sunday September the 3rd. I was seven. And there was my grandma, my mum and dad, my auntie, sitting round the radio. And I knew it was something important. And at the end when they’d said war is now declared I burst into tears. Thinking what’s going to happen? What’s going to happen?
That night they had, we didn’t realise at the time, a pretend air raid warning. And there was a bang on our door and it was my grandma. She lived with us and she was an awkward so-and-so. She reckoned she’d smelt gas and thought it must be a bomb. So when my dad opened the door she cried out ‘I’ve been gassed! I’ve been gassed!” And my dad said ‘Good’.