The island of Tristan da Cunha is one of the world’s most isolated communities... But in September 1961, it became even lonelier.
My name is June, I am 90 years young and I would like to tell you my story of the war in 1941.
My dad was an air raid warden and his job was to check that all lights were not showing to the aircraft overhead, showing them where the houses were located. Mum was at home with me, she came into my room one night and woke me up suddenly and shouted “Get up, June.” I tried to ignore her because my bed was too warm to get out of when I felt her pull me out of bed, put my gas mask on, then shouting – “they're trying to gas us.” We stayed all night in our own Anderson shelter with our gas masks, uncomfortable and cold. When dawn broke my Mum took our masks off as we entered our house and took the blanket off our budgie who was whistling away.
My dad arrived home and Mum explained to Dad about last night, he didn’t quite understand as he had been on his night shift but he said that nothing had been announced about a gas scare. It was concluded that my mum had in fact been dreaming and this started the series of events that night.
I was most upset about not being tucked up in bed, alright.