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#480 Neville Bourne Tracks

I came to this country and I’ve only done one job - working outside on the train tracks network. I’ve never worked inside.

Neville Bourne

I came to this country and I’ve only done one job - working outside on the train tracks network. I’ve never worked inside.

Tracks, are looked after in sections so we’d work particular sections. I would work down towards Wakefield and east just outside of York, we didn’t go into York itself. And then west as far as Hebden Bridge. There would be pockets of workers based at all these places but when there was something big to do we’d all join them.

We’d go into the Dales as far as Grassington. When we went there they’d book us workers on an early bus, 6am, so that they could get a day’s work out of you.

I’ve done different jobs on the tracks - as a relayer, putting new tracks down, working on drainage from the tracks, and in the engineer department where I worked on a crane inspection unit. I’d sit and operate a small crane that ran along the tracks - you had to sit in the basket to operate it - the basket goes up and down - so you can inspect archways, bridges and overhead line equipment. It was better working at night doing that job because I didn’t like being able to see the ground beneath me.


Neville worked on the train tracks of Yorkshire all his life