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#29 Connie Hodgson The Signing Choir

Photo of Connie Hodgson

Connie Hodgson

Growing up in Madeira, I used to loved climbing trees. And the trees were eucalyptus and avocado. I love avocado because I love to climb and feel the fruit. People used to complain about me climbing trees, because I was a girl. But my father said, “Leave her alone, she’s being adventurous.”

It was November 15th, 1962. It took eleven days to get from Madeira to Southampton. They had to go the long way round, because of the weather. And because it was November. I agreed to come for two years. The two years are still running I think!

An angel in the sky arrived to help me out. And the next thing I knew I was invited to a deaf club. It was full of happy people who always remembered me. They helped me by making me sign to ask for anything, and not use my voice. It was fulfilling. I struggled but I got through it. I did it! Then I was invited to a choir. It was a signing choir and when I got there I loved it. I thought this is where I belong.