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#1047 Margaret The Mynah Bird


When I was a child, in the late 50’s I remember my Uncle Harold and his wife Liz came to visit.

At that time my Auntie Sheila, Harold’s sister was living with us. But on the day of their visit she was working.

Uncle Harold asked if we would like to go for a drive in the country, so my mother, father and myself all went in their car.

I remember stopping off at Otley and having afternoon tea in a quaint cafe with oak beams and a roaring fire.

In the corner there was a black bird in a cage. The waitress said it was a mynah bird and it could talk.

We were sitting enjoying our cream teas when out of the blue the mynah bird squawked “Where’s Sheila”.

We just fell about laughing.

I think the waitress must have thought we were mad.

I couldn’t wait to tell my Auntie Sheila about it when we went home.