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#714 Pauline Wilson The Misunderstood Term of Endearment

Pauline Wilson

My husband was from Australia in the first place so when we moved there I thought I need to get out and about and mix with the locals and how they carry on. I noticed that a term of endearment among them especially men, was the word Bludger. They’d tap each other on other on the shoulder and they’d say “oh you Bludger” so I started going around calling everybody a Bludger you see, tapping on the shoulder and calling everybody a Bludger. And I’m getting all these dirty looks. So I went home and said to my husband I’m trying to fit in here best I can. I'm calling for a Bludger because it's a term of endearment. And he said “Pauline, the word Bludger in Australia means you're lazy, good for nothing layabout. So, that was my time trying to fit in in Australia.