Rowena Godfrey
A couple of years ago I went with my friend Pat on a walking holiday to the Lakes. Pat knows the Lakes well, and was able to introduce me to some of her best-loved walks. We stayed at a beautiful, rambling Victorian house up on the hillside, with open views all around. It was a stunning position.
Coming back to Ambleside late one afternoon, after our day’s walking, we had a wander around the town. There are lots of interesting little independent shops at Ambleside. In one of the shop windows was a beautiful pair of bright green and purple ankle boots. “Hey, look at those, I like those!” I said. “Size seven and a half. Exactly my size.” They were in the sale. Less than half price. What a bargain. We tried the door but the shop was closed.
We decided to come back the next morning, as our walk that day began in Ambleside. We parked the car, but when we got to the shop it was closed, and wouldn’t be opening for another half hour. We agreed to try again, on our way back from Loughrigg Fell.
So, late afternoon, after our walk, we tried again. But the shoes had gone. A woman had come in that morning. She too thought they were beautiful. We were too late. “You could try our shop in Hebden Bridge”, we were told. But I don’t think I ever bothered. I can’t remember giving the shoes much thought, once I got home to Leeds. At least until a week or so ago, when I was surprised to discover just how well Pat remembered the incident.
We had taken the X36 bus to Ripon for a wander around the town, and began chatting about that holiday. She reminded me of the beautiful green and purple boots. I hadn’t realised how upset she felt, when we discovered the boots had gone. She somehow felt responsible, guilty even, that I’d missed out.
Funnily enough, about a month ago, I found a very similar pair of shoes. This time, bright blue – while on holiday in Southwold. The same soft leather, even the same make – Softinos. I have to say, I’m very pleased with my new shoes.