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#295 Kevin My Best Six Months In The Army

At 10am I reported to the Sergeant Major who asked if I liked horses. I thought it was strange, but answered yes.


In 1968 I joined the Royal Signal’s and did my basic training at 11 Signal Regiment at Catterick. After basic training I went to 8 Signal Regiment and trained as a Lineman. On completion of trade training I was posted to Germany to 20 Armoured Brigade for 3 years. I was then posted to Cyprus.

It was a long journey and on arriving very early morning in Cyprus I was taken to RAF Episkopi and told to report back at 10am to see the Sergeant Major.

So I decided to make good use of my time, went across the street in the town, opened a bank account and gave the pay office my bank details for my wages. At 10am I reported to the Sergeant Major who asked if I liked horses. I thought it was strange, but answered yes. He told me he was going to send me down to 9 Signals to look after the horses. I was exhausted after the long journey and I didn’t pay attention to what he said next.

So I went to work with the horses. After 6 months of working in the stables the commanding officer of 9 Signals was so happy with my progress he wanted to promote me to Corporal. He told me I should contact my unit at Episkopi and arrange a swap. So I rang them. They asked me where I was? I said 9 signals. They told me they had me down as having gone absent and I must return to my unit immediately. I was only meant to have stayed with the horses for two days to help me acclimatise to the heat. This is the part I’d not heard when first given my orders by the Sergeant Major. They wanted to know how come I’d been paid to be there. I explained I’d opened a bank account and already given my details to the pay office on arrival.

This was my best six months in the British Army.