And as he stepped in, he put his pawprint into the cement, which I thought “fantastic!” So, I thought, I'm going to leave it.
Russell Taylor
About ten years ago I had a Newfoundland dog, and he was sat outside on the pavement of my house. I’d just finished block paving my drive, and down the bottom I had to cement it, just to finish it off. And come night-time, I called the dog in – Murray - and he got up. And as he stepped in, he put his pawprint into the cement, which I thought “fantastic!” So, I thought, I'm going to leave it.
Anyway, I wrote in with a stick: ‘Murray’, and a couple of kisses.
And then later on at night when I went out, somebody had put a bottle in the cement and squashed it down, but luckily it didn't damage the pawprint. And I smoothed it out and then carried on writing ‘Murray’ and everything.
And to this day it's still there, and every year I just keep filling it in with paint and make sure it's nice, on his anniversary.