Back in 1990 this was a relatively new procedure – the first ever ‘Test Tube Baby’, Louise Brown, was herself only 11.
Liz Thomas
I had always wanted children, for as long as I could remember, but when I started trying for a baby, it just wasn’t happening. I was referred for a laparoscopy operation where they discovered that my fallopian tubes were damaged and blocked. It seems I had had an infection when I was younger and it was unlikely that I would ever get pregnant naturally.
It was suggested that I try IVF. Back in 1990 this was a relatively new procedure – the first ever ‘Test Tube Baby’, Louise Brown, was herself only 11. The odds of getting pregnant from this treatment were pretty poor, so we were amazed to find out that I was pregnant after the first attempt with a very strong positive test result.
Two weeks later a sensitive ultrasound scan revealed that I was in fact carrying twins. It felt like we had won the lottery. The following year my two little miracles were born – I had a girl, Megan, and a boy, Joshua – an instant family.
Fast forward to 2022 and my ‘little miracles’ are now 31 and I am very proud of them both.
Now I am wondering – maybe I will have some grandchildren one day?