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#992 John Hargreaves Life in Shadwell

John Hargreaves

Pam and I, we were living in Moortown, and we'd been there for 36 years, then because of various circumstances, we were able to think about moving and we'd always wanted to move slightly more into the country.

So we looked around and eventually we chose Shadwell as being where we'd like to live. So as it happened, we wanted to do some reconnaissance of the village and make sure we were happy with it or they were happy with us, and we actually came along to a parish council meeting, before we actually chose to live. And it was a usual parish council meeting about 90% was stuff we didn't understand and 5% were thought we could get involved in.

At this meeting, Robert, my friend here, was one of the councillors and at the end of the meeting he said to us, rather mysteriously

“Go over to the Red Lion and I’ll join in 10 minutes.”

Well, Bob was always late. So 20 minutes later, he comes to Red Lion and introduces himself. It transpired that I was then at the Grammar School and Robert and his family were also old boys from the Grammar School and we got talking away. So as it happened, we did choose a place in Shadwell, moved in and I struck up a friendship with Robert which has lasted now 10 years. We do all sorts together, we walk together, Shadwell Local History Society. Robert helped us to integrate ourselves into the village,

At the time, I was writing a book about 25 distinguished boys from The Grammar School and two of the characters I wanted to write about said definitely you can't include me. So I was looking around for characters to write about. So happened. Roberts brother, was a really good contender because he is Lord John Dyson and Robert got me permission to write about John. Eventually, when John came up here to see Robert, I met them at the local restaurant, signed a copy of the book and presented it to him.