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#126 Malcolm Helps me move forward in my life.


Hi folks, I’m Malcolm. I was born in Wortley, and I lived there most of my life. When I was growing up, I took the number 49 or 42 bus from Wortley to Farnley, to get to school. But I gave it up because I enjoyed walking. When I started work, I took the 42 bus again into Leeds city centre. I worked on the railway. My dad worked on the railway too. He was a carriage cleaner. I was a messenger – mail boy – and I had a beautiful uniform. As well as distributing the mail every day, I used to go to the fish shop in Wellington Street on a Wednesday and Friday, and collect fish and chips and take them back to the office for all the staff. They were good days.

Then I got a job at Morrisons in the Merrion Centre. Same bus: different job. I was filling shelves and pricing food. But it only lasted two weeks. I was born with nerves and anxiety and I didn’t find it easy to get a job. But after that I did get a job at Oxleys Leeds Ltd in Wortley, which had been a family owned DIY shop since 1930 – and I stayed there for twelve years. I left in 1985, when it closed down. Then my dad moved up to Chapel Allerton. He loved it there, because it was very quiet, and nobody bothered him. So I decided to move up to Gledhow to be near him.

Oxleys Leeds had closed down by now – so I tried to get another job. But I was finding it a bit difficult. My anxiety and nerves were getting worse. I suffered from heart trouble, high blood pressure and fatigue, too, and I went to the doctors to get some help. I couldn’t work any more, and I was put on benefits. I’ve been on benefits since 1985.

On 21st February, 2017, my dad died. It affected me very badly. Sometimes I’ve felt like slitting my throat, that’s how badly it got to me. I really miss him.

I go to the doctors at the Medical Centre at Rutland Lodge in Chapel Allerton. They told me about Feel Good Factor, a healthy living centre in Chapeltown, and suggested I go there. I have been going there for fifteen months now. I’m in there on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and I go to the Social Club on a Saturday. That’s where I found out about the Bus Pass project. It sounded good and I wanted to be involved. I still enjoy walking, but sometimes I take the bus from Gledhow to Chapeltown: the number 2, 3, 3A or the 48. I’ve got a good choice. I do feel better now, but there are still ups and downs. I’ve always enjoyed music, so on a Tuesday I come to the computer course and listen to my favourite singer Leroy Van Dyke. Doing all this helps my nerves and anxiety – helps me move forward in my life.