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#125 Edwin Enjoying my adolescence at 71!


I’ve lived in Leeds for more than forty years. I was a shy, well behaved, stay-at-home boy until my late fifties. Then I broke away from my former self to become a free spirit: travelling the world and having experiences I could never have dreamed of before.

There were night clubs, dancing, speed dating… At sixty three I learned rock climbing, and clambered over the rocks in Tenerife. Although I am afraid of water, I got my PADI certificate (Professional Association of Diving Instructors), and dived the Barrier Reef. I mixed with the trans-women of Thailand, and walked naked on foreign beaches. There was karaoke in public bars, music festivals, and much, much more.

A few years ago, I decided to go and live abroad in the sunshine. After several months in Jamaica, followed by Southern Spain, I finally found my utopia in Austin, Texas, USA. To get permission to live in the States, I set about owning my own business. After a spell of life coaching, I acquired my own franchise business with Adam and Eve, the leading company for adult pleasure products in the US. But now I’m in a predicament. As yet, I have not completed all the business arrangements, so I had to depart from the US, after the ninety days permitted for a visitor’s stay. Now – because of the pandemic – they won’t let me back. So I’m trapped over here in the UK.

I’m picking up some of my former connections in Leeds again, and am looking for new ventures. I like the idea of being an entertainer, and of making people laugh. I like to dress expressively and colourfully, and have recently joined some modelling agencies. Most of all, I would love to perform male burlesque. I am a member of the Austin Academy of Burlesque, USA. I performed on stage there and got a terrific audience response. At seventy one years of age, you could say, I’m thoroughly enjoying my adolescence!