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#421 Diana Al-Saadi THAT was THE year that was!

I always find a sense of peace and tranquility when I visit the large cemetery and place fresh flowers in his memory.

Diana Al-Saadi

20 years into 2000 - 2020!

On Year’s Day my daughter, granddaughter and I visited the grave of my dear husband. I always find a sense of peace and tranquility when I visit the large cemetery and place fresh flowers in his memory. He will always remain in our hearts as a gentle, kind and loving father and person to all his family, friends and colleagues both here and abroad.

We continued the day with a warming homemade meal, later relaxing contentedly and chatting about our hopes and plans for the year ahead. I feel thoroughly spoilt in many ways. At the time my daughter was taxiing me around. The clutch of my car had decided to pack in two days before Christmas – what a lovely present! After that the car headlights went out twice, preventing any thoughts of travel in the dark evenings. What an expensive start to 2020! I remember thinking ‘Let’s hope that’s it for now, at least!’

Much as I prefer using public transport, the authorities don’t seem to think we need a local bus. The fact is that the local GP surgery, library and other amenities are not easily accessible by foot. It takes two bus journeys to go half a mile. What if you are passed your ‘sell-by date’? However, I have been advised to persevere. What is the alternative and what is there to lose?