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#562 Michael Best Panicking when meeting Thatcher

Photo of Michael Best
It’s a funny thing to happen, just as you’re gonna shake her hand!

Michael Best

I had a friend in politics, a very close friend, and they went some place - I think it were Harrogate – and they were meeting up to see Margaret Thatcher.

They were all on a stage and there were a lot of people there. When she’d come out, she’d shake your hand and they’d talk to each other for a few minutes, and then she’d move on to the next one, and they’d all have a little talk to her.

So they were all on the stage, and any minute she were gonna come out. My friend had braces on, and the elastic in the braces went. Well you’d have panicked, wouldn’t you!

So he panicked and he asked his wife, and she gave him a safety pin and he patched it up - he managed to do it in time. It’s a funny thing to happen, just as you’re gonna shake her hand!


An unexpected thing to happen when meeting a political leader