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#533 Anonymous Care about each other


W​e set ​ up a food bank here at Harehills Baptist Church and I’m really proud of that. I absolutely love collecting the food for it. The café is absolutely a priority for me. Making sure that people have food. ​I cook hot meals for people​, ​ I make sure that our elderly people can have food parcels delivered to their homes​. ​ I actually started that during Covid and it helps ​u​s checking on people so they’re not isolated. Those who deliver keep an eye on those who are vulnerable and struggling​,​ that way we know if we need to step in and do something more. There’s a lot of people looking out for themselves ​in this world, ​and I think we have to care about each other. We know what’s happening and we need to provide a service for those that cannot provide a service for themselves. Food​,​ company​,​ just caring​-​ whatever it is ​we can do. ​

I do that through the weekly café here at Harehills Baptist Church.

O​n a Monday I do that through working with ​Freedom ​4​ Girls​ and ​I ​do it ​through​ my family. And many other areas of my life​ -​ it’s all connected together​,​ and it’s all who I am.