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#143 Hilary Aeroplane Embarrassment

Photo of Hilary


Aeroplane embarrassment

The couple next to me in my aisle seat on my flight from Los Angeles with Virgin

airlines were newly married for the second time and were slightly drunk.She kept

trying to get me into conversation by saying.”isn’t she cute Albie?” I smiled and

feigned sleep.

The meal was served rendering all conversation redundant.

We had just finished the meal and the stewardess was collecting our trays. Dear Mrs

Albie had a lot of cups on her tray as she had requested coffee then tea and the cups

were almost full with a mixture of both. The trays tipped up

as the stewardess tried to take them and the whole lot went all down me.

I was soaked to the skin. There was no way I could sit like that for the eight hours of

the journey to London.

The stewardess offered to dry my things and get me a sleep-suit from First Class to

wear in the meantime.

She returned with a grey garment which had , embossed on its front, FIRST CLASS on

one line, followed by VIRGIN AIRLINES underneath.

Unfortunately, she apologised profusely, there was only size XXXL left.

There really was no choice so I went to the toilet, undressed and put on the horrible

grey thing.

Because I am only 4ft 11ins tall and weigh just under 8 stone, the thing completely

enveloped me and , when folded up to stay on read FIRST CLASS VIRGIN.

Imagine my embarrassment and the strange looks from the rest of the passengers as

I returned to my seat and on my subsequent visits to the loo.

As we neared Heathrow the stewardess returned my stained, but dry clothes back to

me. “ We can’t use the sleep suit again, would you like to take it home?”