Barbara Spencer
When I was a little girl, my Granddad used to bring me to Kirkstall Abbey, quite often, and we used to play on the grounds. But if it was wet we went into the museum, so we got friendly with one of the attendants there.
At that time, in the main entrance, they had a suit of armour, and Granddad and this gentleman used to tell me that there was a man inside this suit of armour - and of course, I was very gullible!
As time went on, this suit of armour was always there, and I used to say hello to it! Then one day we went and it wasn't there, and I'm looking round and thinking “Well, he must have walked away.”
And when we moved into the next room, they’d put him behind the door. So of course I didn't see him as I walked in, but as I turned round, there he was – and I was absolutely terrified!
So Kirkstall Abbey always has that very strange feeling to me!