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#1 Christopher A Journey Has Begun

Photo of Christopher


2015. A return to the city of Leeds, decades after I found my first creative feet as composer for dance, here in this very city. A two-week exploration into the future potential for a permanent performance group comprised of ex-professionals and local amateur enthusiasts – all over the age of 60. Choreographer Royston Maldoom, myself as composer; a forty-minute performance piece emerges with spoken word, dance, song and incidental music. Memories of two weeks of laughter, laughter, confusion, joy; of friendships cemented and new-found confidences. The journey has begun.

2016. Director Alan Lyddiard takes over the reigns, with Tamara McLorg creating the choreography. We are back once more, at the Leeds Playhouse for a development of last year’s ideas. Stories are told, dance skills enhanced, musical ideas and singing developed – and on board, the musicians of the Leeds-based amateur jazz orchestra for over-60s, the Citizens Orchestra. A big challenge for me – to find a way to incorporate them into our new show; to find a way, a style, that challenges them musically; but also – how to tempt them in? ‘Anniversary’ is born; a week of moving performances, of struggles, of huge achievements.

2017-2019. Workshops. Performances. ‘Bus Pass’. ‘Crossings’. The journey continues. Our Ensemble is forming; consolidating. Each time we gather and create, I am learning so much about writing music for and working with the performers and revelling in the freedom to express, musically, in whichever way feels right – to challenge our performers; to absolutely celebrate the opportunity of collaborating with Alan, Tamara and writer Barney Bardsley.

2020. And here we are, our Ensemble formed – and yet nowhere (physically) to go as a result of this strange virtual world we are all currently forced to live in. But – the ideas keep flowing; the enthusiasm and desire still burning strong. On we go…