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#747 Brenda A Family's Ordeal


My father had a serious accident and we were thrown out of the house. It was a tied house to a job that my dad was working. So while I was in the kitchen, he cut his main artery and there was blood all over the place, my mom's wrapping a tea towel around his arm. Then we have to run to the end of the street and flag down a car to take us to Wetherby to the Police Station because it was Sunday. When we got to Wetherby the police phoned the doctor. As we got to the doctors me mum says “let me have a look at that arm” and she starts to unwrap it and theres a piece of pot still in his arm where it had landed. I was screaming - I’d never seen so much blood in my life. I was so shocked and numb.

I had to sit in the waiting room while me mum went into the doctors. He rang an ambulance and they took my dad to hospital. So me and me mum had to make our own way back home from the doctors. While my dad was in hospital we were meant to be evicted but we had nowhere to live until the council gave us a house in Wetherby, which wasn’t even ready to move in to but we moved in anyway.


A family is thrown out of their tied house after the father, while in the kitchen, accidentally cuts his main artery.