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#978 Mary Johnson Two Jack Russells

Mary Johnson

This little dog that we had, we had two Jack Russells, and he got out and we couldn’t find him. We went all over looking for him, and I even went into the park where there was a lake, to make sure that he wasn’t in there. And at night we thought “He’s sure to come back”. He didn’t – I don’t know where he was. He was the only boy that we had, we always had girls.

Anyway, next morning Geoff says “There’s somebody outside”, and I said “Well I better go and have a look.” And there was the dog, sat on the doorstep, and I said “Where’ve you been?” And he went “Ooooh, ooooh” (makes whining sound). They do, don’t they – they find somewhere to go. Anyway, he came back in and do you know, he never went out again until Geoff took him – it was quite a while, he just went in the garden, he wouldn’t go out.

He was a dog that was given to us by a friend ‘cause they moved into a flat from a house, and he was happy with us, because he had his friend with him as well, and then we had one dog next door and that used to come into the garden. I loved him, he was absolutely lovely. He was an Australian as well!